We here at Gamepedia are super excited for the release of Destiny. As part of our effort to ensure that we have the very best information available for all the gamers out there, we are searching for devoted editors to ensure that Destiny Wiki has all of the most complete and up-to-date information as it becomes available.
To this end, we will not only be giving out 3 copies of the game itself, but also a brand new PS4! These prizes will go to the users that are deemed by our Wiki Managers to have put forth the most effort and dedication towards keeping Destiny Wiki maintained.
Winners will be chosen on November 15th, 2013 at 3pm CST
- Grand Prize (1): Playstation 4 Console + a copy of Destiny*
- Runners up (3): A copy of Destiny for PS4*
* These prizes will be awarded as available, or in the form of prepaid advance orders from major retailers.
Prizes are limited to US and Canadian residents due to legal restrictions.
How to Win
Any person who submits edits to the Destiny Wiki while logged in during the contest period will be considered to have entered the contest. The Gamepedia Wiki Team will then consider each user’s personal contributions to determine which entrant will be deemed the winner.
But I’ve never edited a Wiki before!
Well there’s no better time to learn!
If you’re looking for a place to start, you can check out our Help Page or the more general Gamepedia Help Wiki. If you want some personal help with something, you can always visit us in the #Gamepedia channel on IRC. We also encourage folks to make use of the Community Discussion page, which will be monitored by other community members as well as the Gamepedia Wiki team.