Destiny 2 Wiki

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Destiny 2 Wiki

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Venus was transformed from hell world to fecund jungle.
Planetary Class:
Orbiting Body
Nearest Neighbour:
Faction Controlled:

Venus used to be a scientific research facility during the Golden Age. It is the second planet in the Solar System, and is an explorable location in Destiny. Now the Venusian ocean is rising on the decaying buildings, there lies a tower called the Vex Citadel that they defend heavily. Often considered the twin planet to Earth, it's rocky surface, volcanic plains, and terraformed jungles make it significantly less habitable than its human counterpart.

Locations on Venus:[]


  • The work of Peter Gric influenced the look and feel of Venus.

Destinations on Venus[]

Name Description
Ishtar Sink, Venus
The jungles of Venus conceal great treasures - and terrible power.

Venus desktop

A Guardian Personal Spaceship flying over Venus's terrain.1.

Shattered coast 1800

The Shores of Time.
